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tv   The War Room With Jennifer Granholm  Current  May 15, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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that position. >> we will have to continue because they will be the largest but still poor. author of ", ian brimmer. viewpoint, stay there to enter the war room with jennifer granholm. thanks for watching. >> >>. >> thanks, eliot. i am general frer granholm. tonight, inside the war room, a tale of two deficits. mitt romney doubled down on his efforts to make the economy a campaign issue today. austin goolsbee will help us separate facts from fiction as it relates to mr. romney. >> that's a full-time job. later, we will talk about the war on women and much more with activist and entertainer and comedian liz winstead crater of
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the daily show. but first, here is a piece of information that should keep democrats up at night: north carolina's beverly per. did you e and washington state's crist gregoire are this country's only two female democratic governors. and they are not running for re-election. the picture isn't nearly as bleak on the republican side. there is arizona's jan brewer new mexico, susan is a martinez oklahoma's mary fallin and south carolina's nikki haley. none of them are up for reelection in november. you can imagine why so many democrats, both women and men are hoping tonight's first guest is elected the next governor of new hampshire. maggie hasson is a former three-term state senator. she faces a primary fight in september, which she is expected to win, and she comes to us tonight from manchester. maggie, welcome into the war room. >> thanks for having me, governor.
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>> well, it's great to have you. so is the possibility of being the only woman democratic governor in office next requestjanuary, is that adding any pressure to your campaign? >> oh just a little bit but mostly, we are really focused on making sure campaign is vunning on all cylinders moving the state forward and focusing on new hampshire has the best work force in the country and can attract innovative businesses. >> we will get to a little bit of that in a minute but i want to ask you a little bit about these women's issues. today the white house is threatening to veto the house version of the violence against women act and that -- or at least the reauthorization. you fought many battles in the state's house on behalf of women's rights. as governor, how would you hold off republicans who want to roll back women's rights? >> well, i can't believe it's 2012 and in new hampshire as is int true in washington, we are arguing about birth control.
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we are arguing about whether domestic violence victims need protection. and in new hampshire, we are arguing about whether an equal pay act is necessary at all. i think new hampshire citizens will respond to comments and leadership on these issues and our job is to make sure we are focusing on the things that matter to all of our citizens but certainly matter to women, which is the jobs and the economy. >> well, you have been endorsed by emily's list. >> yeah. >> you need to win your democratic primary but the latest general election polls, i think, show that you are ahead of the two main republicans. >> yes. >> do you expect women's issues such as contraception to even be part of campaign? >> well, i think they will be in some areas. and certainly, they are and continue to be for women voters. i certainly hear about it on the campaign trail. women want to be focused on their families, their jobs their economy and moving the state forward in solving problems in a really constructive way and they are
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very concerned that this legislature in new hampshire, which is to the right of the tea party, it's really extraordinary, how different this legislature is from past new hampshire lawmakers. they are really concerned at how divisive the debate is and we are focusing on issues that i thought were well settled and so did most of the people of new hampshire. >> new hampshire has been a very pragmatic state. republicans have been pragmatic. do you think the tea party influence has pushed out a lot of the pragmatists? >> sure they have done everything from repeal compulsory education to pass the so-called right to work bill which repeels collective bargaining. they have really gone after things in a truly ideological way that is, just very differented than what we are used to in new hampshire. >> a polling policy shows new
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hampshire voters favoring president obama over mitt romney, 53 to 41%. i know new hampshire has been sort of slid into the swing-state mode. it's looking good now for the president. but can a democrat win in new hampshire without a strong showing by the president? >> well, as always new hampshire voters are very astute. they follow politics very very carefully. again, they are practicing mattists. i think what sher they are seeing nationally is the president is working hard to move this country forward, work on the economy, create jobs creating jobs every month, and the republicans are slipping back into these ideological argumentses. bur here on the ground in new hampshire, regardless of what happens nationally, again, we have this group that has -- this tea party in our legislature suggesting for instance that the state opt out of the medicare program and they want to run medicare, themselves. we can't let that happen. "new hampshire voters have a lot
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more common sense than that. i think it's a winnable race. i am certainly working hard every day to win it. >> so according to the center on budget and policy priorities, next year's new hampshire budget, which you would absorb in fact if you were privileged to be elected, the deficit is 250 million for little new hampshire or 20% of the current budget. i know you are pledging to not raise income or sales tax. so how you balances without any wiggle room? >> well, sure. first of all, we don't have a broad-based income or sales tax in new hampshire. we are focusing on outgrowing the economy and the most important way to increase our revenue base, the best way to do that is obviously to focus on economic growth. so i have said that i wouldn't change that. i am not going to create a broad-base income or sales tax in our state. but we also can look at some of the things that the republicans in this legislature have done to reduce revenues. they cut our cigarette tax when
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it was already the lowest in the northeast just to give you an example and then cut our university system budget by 50%. >> that's the largest cut to a public university system in the history of our country. sol some of the things we can do is, for instance restore the cigarette tax to where it used to be. they cut the number of auditors in our department of revenue so all of the sudden the revenue from audited tax returns has dropped precipitously. part of what we need to do is simply to restore some of the things that these folks have done in a very extreme and ideological fashion. and then we do what we always do in new hampshire. we sit down and we talk about priorities and we really focus on what it is we need to do and how we are going to fund them. we will have that discussion and discuss our priorities. and meanwhile, above all of this, we need to make sure that we move the state forward and create the best work force in the country because that will attract businesses jobs and the revenues will grow that way. >> all right maggie.
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we have run out of a little bit of time here but i really appreciate you coming inside the war room. i know we all wish you good luck as you battle through. >> that's maggie hasson democratic candidate for governor in new hampshire. thank you for being here. as you just heard, if maggie hasson is not elected there will be no democratic women governors in the united states, not one. when i was pressurefresh out of law school, i had this burning desire to do something important and to have an impact in some way. but i didn't know what that impact would be. and i certainly never thought that i would run for office myself. in fact, if somebody had suggested it, i would have totally laughed out loud. sometimes, a door opens, and you have to gather the courage to run through it. so i was approached by friends who encouraged me to run for an open seat at that time was attorney general of michigan. for me it was a big risk. my friends, who were men
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affiliated with the democratic party, they encouraged me to take that risk as did my best friend and husband who gave me the final gentle push across the threshold. often, we women are risk-averse. i needed the push. now, more than ever young women need more seasoned women to provide that encouragement to take a risk to go for it. because once a glass ceiling is broken, it stays broken. the person who broke through cannot simply brush the shards of glass from her hair and kick out the ladder and say i got mine. now you go get yours. we have a duty to reach through the ceiling, the broken ceiling, and pull other women up. but without those mentors, we end up not only with zero female democratic governors, but we end up with a war on women, with men as the only soldiers in the
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battle. so women, we need you to represent on the battlefield. so, yes, there is a risk in putting yourself out there. it is hard. but no worthy battle was ever easy. nancy pelosi speaks about this prayer of an african bishop. when i stand at last before the face of god, god will say to me: show me your wounds. and this, i say i have no wounds. god will ask: was there nothing worth fighting for? my greatest wish now yours women and men is that at the end of your life, you have many scars from wounds that you have received during battles that you waged on behalf of someone or something worth fighting for. >>(narrator) the mcgovern campaign had lots of other problems, but the flip-flop ads certainly didn't help. richard
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>> mitt romney lives in bizarre-0 world. if you are a fan of superman you have probably heard of the place. for the rest of you, businessizarre-0 world is down is up, wrong is right and listen to rom energy on the stump today. the guy clearly lives in an a lot earn a/* al teralternate universe. >> his policies have taken us backwards. president obama started out with a near trillion dollar stimulus package. it was the biggest, mother careless one time expenditure by the federal government in history. >> actually, the president's policies have moved us forward. the proof is in the statistics. consider these numbers from the bi-partisan congressional office or the non-partisan congressional. the stimulus helped lower the you know unemployment rate by a full % since august of 2011.
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thanks in part to the stimulus we have had 25 months consecu actively of job growth and the gross domestic product in between increased 3% against in part because of the stimulus. so while the economy isn't where we would like it to be, it is looking to be headed in the right direction and americans are starting to feel it because, according to the latest u.s.a.-today gallup poll 50% say they will be better off a year from now which is good for president obama's reelection prospects. here to discuss president obama's stimulus and how it's going to be used by both sides in the upcoming election is austan goolsbee. austin is the former chairman of the president's council of economic advisors. it's now a prefacer of economics at the university of chicago. he comes to us tonight from chicago and austin, welcome back inside the war room. >> great to see you again. >> all right. so austin, how do you feel when
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you hear governor romney say policysay president obama's policies have taken us backwards? >> i mean welcome to crazy town. that was only the beginning. you picked the nicest of the things that he said. i mean it was a combination of condemning the president for having the deficit rise during a recession while simultaneously proposing $5 trillion of tax cuts that were unpaid for. i thought it was kind of confused. >> that's why businessizarre-0 is a good way of describing it. you have been writing lately about austerity, which, of course, is a policy that several european countries and many states have undertaken. i mean this is the leading question of course. do you think the u.s. could benefit from austerity? >> well, i mean if you look at what's happening in europe they are really biting the dust over
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there. they try to confront their problems by grind down wages by enough to make them competitive and by engaging in massively anti-growth policies. and what happens when you do that is you get on a negative spiral so you can't even cut your deficits because as the growth rate slows down, everybody knows that tax revenue falls dramatically and all of the automatic stabilizers go up substantially. the same thing has happened in the u.s. during every recession. and so i think we have got to be careful. now, that's separate from the long-run fiscal challenge facing the united states and really facing the entire advanced world that comes from the aging of the population and the rides of healthcare costs, which we know we have got to deal with. that hasn't got edge worse. just 2 percents worse every year
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as more and pourmore people retire. >> do you think the solutions proposed in the simpson-bowles are the way to go. >> something like that absolutely is the way to go. i think in the end, if we get to a gland bargain, it's going to be patterned on something like that, which was just to refresh the memory 2 or $3 of tax savings. some discretionary, some on entitlements, you raise some revenue, sort of spread it around and you have a balanced plan. that's like the trillion dollars the president proposed. it couldn't be more different than what governor romney is proposing which is let's cut 6 trillion to pay for 4 trillion of tax reduction and 2 trillion
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of tax cuts. if you put to the american people do you want to crush social security and medicare in order to pay for some deficit reduction and a whole lot of high income tax cuts, i don't see anybody being for that. i mean we did that in the 2000s. >> it's hard to imagine why that is the case. it's hard to understand people were looking at facts and logic? this should be a no-brainer. not that the statements that governor romney continues to say that the president wants to raise taxes and increase regulation, all of that kind of garbage nas not true but over the long-haul, there has to be grape ling with the budget. the u.s.a. gallup released a poll, 58% of people said that they do expect the economy to be bets earn a year. do you think in one year, your
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great predictor is this optimism warranted? >> you know, i hope so. i don't think anybody should pretend that there aren't a lot of problems and we are not still in a pretty tough spot in the labor market. all of this stuff that happens in europe each time that threatens to blow up it does freak people out a bit in the u.s. it freaks out business. it makes people start thinking 0 my goodness, might there be another financial crisis? so we consistently have been dealing with that. we might still have to deal with it. so i don't -- i don't personally anticipate there to be really massive rebound because you have got the government shrinking. you have the housing sector really around zero because there are so many vacant homes still. and the private sector non-shousing growing pretty strongly but it's just, you know, the comeback of manufacturing is going to take a long while before that's big enough to replace the housing construction and the excess
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consumption that were driving the 2000's expansion. >> tell people then what would the picture likeook like now had there not been a stimulus. >> i think there would bea substantially woofers not to dwell on the path and what happened three years ago. but you cited the congressional budget. i would site the ini havetiative of the leading economists around the united states and they asked them the question in a survey: do you think the unemployment rate is lower now because of the stimulus? and i think the vote was 19 to 2 answering that, yes. >> they do think. >> this is not a partisan group. i think unemployment would be a lot higher and growth would have been a lot lower, which is not to say everything was perfect about it. and there were a lot of tax cuts in it and not all of those tax cuts worked out exactly the way
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that we wanted them to but overall, it was pretty wide spread consensus by people who are not partisan and don't have a dog in the fight as it were that it had a pretty substantial impact. we are in a tough spot coming out of the worst downturn in our lifetimes, the one month of january, 2009, was as big as the entire previous recession. so i think when you come in and you are losing 750,000 jobs a month to turn that around so you have got 25 months of job growth is pretty significant accomplishment. and to avoid a depression i think historians are going to look back and say that was a pretty significant accomplishment. >> i know you had a significant hand in that. thank you for coming inside the war room to explain it all. >> that's austan goolsbee and former chairmap of the president's council of economic advisors. and now to today in mitt
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earlier today, mitt romney offered a fiery speech in iowa. take a look. >> when athe men and women who settled the iowa prayeririe saw fire in the distance, they didn't along around for -- look around for someone to save them or hope the wind might change directions. they knew survival was up to them. >> i just want to know: what would iowa do if there were a prairie fire under a romney presidency? they would call the fire department? no. that would be outsourced. would they call the national guard? or fema? defunded. would they drive out and douse the flames, themselves? not when the roads are unpaved and the water garment has been privatized. if the iowa prairie burns under romney, he can write off the lost crepts and jobs and homes as business expenses. maybe he would set up a marshal
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molloy and charcoal factory and flip that for a tasty profit or maybe, maybe he would just have middle management hold down the fire while he cut off its hair. and that's today in mitt. catch the premiere of the gavin newsom show. with special guests: >> i'm lance armstrong. if somebody put my back into a corner, i'm coming out swinging.
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you've heard jennifer's views, now let's hear yours. >>the war room needs your help. >>the only online forum with a direct line to jennifer granholm. >>our goal is to bring you behind the scenes with access to stories that you've never seen before. >> join the debate now. ♪
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>> now to the state of our states, this state, california has long been known as the place where your dreams can come true. actually, that's how my parents felt when they moved here from canada when i was 4 years old. but sadly, the state now faces an all-to-real nightmare, which is the california maybe the 9th largest economy in the world but it has a $16 billion budget deficit. closing that gap is going to require some serious sacrifices. here is what california governor jerry brown had to say about the situation yesterday. >> we are going to have to cut deeper. by cutting alone -- but cutting alone doesn't really do it. i am linking the serious budget reductions, real increased austerity with apply to the voters, please increase taxes temporarily. >> governor brown proposes slashing the deficit in half by cutting social services including welfare and healthcare
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for the elder and a 5% salary cut for state employees. to cut an additional $6,000,000,000, he wants voters to approve an income tax increase for the wealthiest californians as well as a quarter % sales tax increase. now, austerity has arrived in california and it's not going to be pretty. for a perspective on the scale and scope of california's budget crisis, i am joined by university of california berkeley public policy professor john elwood who has spend five years as a manager at the congressional budget office, a staff member of the u.s. senate budget committee and knows an awful lot about california problems as well as the federal problems. john thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> let's start with the basic did. is it true what the governor says, that you cannot solve this without a tax increase? >> and still keep the level of services that you have now, he is telling the truth. it is possible to turn california into texas. and it's impossible to turn california into florida.
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>> some might say, what's wrong with that? >> it's a question of taste. do you want to be in a state where you pay very low taxes and have very low services and people at the lower end of the income scale suffer much more than they do in california? and the way the united states is, you are free to choose. you can -- there are states with higher levels of taxes than california. minnesota, new york hawaii and there are many states with lower levels. so it's really a preference that you have. >> what's interesting, though, john, is that even though california has fairly rowbust public system the educational outcomes are ranked at the bottom of states. >> well, the inputs are ranked at the bottoms. one of the things is that california of course most of educational outcomes comes from the family. we have known that since the coalman report in the 1960s. california is in the business of absorbing a massive waiveve of
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rural areas of latin america. it's hard teaching those folks. it's hard bringing them up. you know, it costs a lot more money than it does. when california, when your parents moved here california essentially was attracting people from iowa. la la used to have iowa days. it's one thing to attract anglo whites from iowa, you know, who come from backgrounds where there are a lot of books in the home and it's easy to attract people from an agricultural background in rural mexico. it takes more. but the people who come as immigrants overall by the very act of them coming taking a risk. if you invest in them >> you get incredible returns on that investment. and the question is: are we willing to invest in them? >> well so governor brown is going to the people on this because he can't get an increase through the legislature, and that's because of some unique laws that california has that
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prohibit the legislature from raising taxes without a super manhattan. >> right. brought to you by governor brown in his first incarnation. >> so he supported that. >> for a while he did. he was against proposition 13. and then when it lost he then turned around and said i will support the implementation. >> what would you say to those who are in the tea party who want to see a super majority on the federal level in the say way california has. ? >> you will get what you have in california. california always leads the nation. now, it's leading the nation in dysfunctional government in the sense that 60% of both houses of the legislature are liberal democrats. at least 60% of the voters are that way. but it takes 2/30s. theybly 2/3. >> are the cavils at all moderate or have they become a
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version of the tea party that you see in washington? >> more so. i have a post-doc working with me from the just of chicago who is looking at polarization state by state by state. and the state that is the most polarized in terms of the legislature, more polarize is california. >> because of redistricting? >> a combination. it's a whole series of things. historically, when we begin to have good data on this now polarization over time and we have good data for the u.s. congress going back to the founding of the republic for members of congress. polarization tracks two things, one, the percentage of foreign-born. so in the old days, when i first got here to california, california was an overwhelmingly anglo white state and then we have had massive immigration of latin 0s. so the percentage of foreign-born has gone up and polarization has gone up with it. >> that's interesting. >> the second thing it tracks, right on top of it is the rise
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in income inequality. and california, again, has become, leading the country until terms of being more and more unequal in terms of income. the third thing is what we academics call sorting. so at the national level what happened was you have southern democrats who were conservative. they are as conservative as they always were. never now called republicans. used to have northern liberals and they were republicans. now they are called democrats. you have had a separation as the parties are now sticking with. it's essentially the end of civil war politics, the parties have become more polarized. >> you see a lot of this polarization in the budget process. let me quickly ask you one more budget question about california. when governor brown proposed his budget in january, many people were saying his projections are overly optimistic as it turns out, they were accurate. that was accurate. >> right. >> did you think they were overrule optimistic when he
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proposed them? >> yes. everybody knew it. basically, it was his way of getting the budget through. >> i see. california is different than most other states. it has a constitutional amendment that requires a balanced budget unlike michigan. it doesn't require a balance at the end of the first cam year. it requires a balance the moment the bill has been voted on and the governor has signed. a nano second afterwards, it's unbalanced. >> every one of these states is dealing with some version of this, unlike the federal government, we have a whole lot more to talk about. we are out of time. thank you, that's berkeley professor john ellwood and budget expert extraordinary narrow. coming up, welcome with our political round table. we have a great one for you today. stick around. california, and former mayor of san francisco is coming to current tv. >>every night on cable news networks everyone's focusing on what's wrong. i want this show to move past that. i love creative people, and with all
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competitive. the more government, the more expensive it is. what president obama is doing is not bold. it's old. as president, i want to make the federal government simpler smaller and smarter. [applause.] >> well, that was mitt romney on the campaign front in des moines iowa majoring his cases to be the ceo in chief. a warehouse/today gallup poll released today show americans might be buying what he is selling 55% of respondents say they thinking the economy would improve during the next four years if he is elected. 46% say it would improve if president obama remains in the white house. joining me with insights on how the battle on the economy is playing out inside the minds of voters is david murman with lake research partners and donny fowler is here. he knows what is going on from his time working in the presidential cam pangs in the last four democratic nominees.
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he has his own public affairs dodd-patch strategies. let me start with you. how should the obama war room frame it if they think romney would be better. >> this is the one area of true advantage that romney still has over obama in that people look around and for a lot of -- >> what is? >> a lot of voters the economy isn't that much better. it is slowly, slowly getting better. people don't feel it yet ifn their lives. obama has been in office for three years. people are impatient. >> be careful what you wish for. >> but if you listen to the speech. right? to what romney was saying, he is trying to keep it big-picture. right? it's very broad strokes like the economy is not as good as it should be. i am a businessman i can make it better. not a lot of policy there because you when look at the policies, they are not very popular, the ones he is proposing. >> you name it. >> he is trying to keep it
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big-picture. >> probably you would advice him if you were in the war room his war room, to do the same thing. >> the obama folks need to bear down. what is he proposing? what is his record? >> let's take a look at that. the priorities priorities u.s.a. the super p.a.c. that supports president obama picked up where his ad against romney left off yesterday. so take a license to this: >> if we -- take a license to this. >> if we lost they made money. if we survived at the made money. he promised us the same things he is promising the united states states. he will give you the same thing he gave us: nothing. he will take it all. >> using real people to go after romney's strengths, the economy -- the president is playing on romney's playing field. is that the smart thing to do? >> in january, newt gingrich ran an ad that call mit romney a
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vault tour capitalist. the ad romney says he is a vampire capitalist. romney will tell us which one he is. we are in a little bit of a lull right now in this campaign season where each candidate has to define himself while the other side is trying to define him. now, romney's making a fundamental mistake here because he is sort of praying and wishing for bad health for the american economy. the american people will om let him go so far. we know it's not great. we think it's getting better. but what do you want to do that's going to make it better? you are telling us how awful things are. >> he did say, the thing he is saying is very broad and simple: i am going to make government smaller and small smarter is what he said today. that's a pretty appealing principle. there is no policy. >> nothing behind it. >> he doesn't have policy but on the flip side, the president is trying to milk the thing he has
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going, his personal appeal. he was on "the view" today. take a license to this sound byte. >> malia and sasha had written out why i am such a wonderful dad. >> okay. >> and they had this list. it was so sweet. and one of the items on malia's list was: you are just the right around of embarrassing. you are embarrassing but not too embarrassing. >> well, that resonates with me. i am a father of two girls about the same age. >> i can only imagine. >> it's wonderful. it's important to show his human side and connect with people that way. there is obviously a serious agenda there which is connecting with women voters. >> absolutely. >> two parts of it. it's not only humanizing but reaching an audience that doesn't watch the sunday morning talk shows, doesn't watch cnn and current tv. but these are people that are going to vote and we know that women may be the most important voting block this year. you have to read the audience
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and human eyes yourself at the same time. >> absolutely. absolutely. we are getting, david, new polls every day. i have been amazed by the barrage of polling. and the public's reaction to the president's gay marriage stance. >> everybody did a poll. >> a new ab drchlt news poll is out today,c news poll is out today, today,. key voting block shows that 49% have a favorable view of him in and his position. what do you read. >> position specifically on the marriage equality decision which is right. that partly reflects the fact that independents tend to be younger and the biggest differences on this issue is actually by age even more than partisanship. the older you are, the less likely, the younger, the more likely. but it also points to the fact, i mean this is a very, very narrow set of voters we are talking about here. right? independents in swing states. it's a pretty small. >> the ones they want. >> they are going to make the decision. >> yeah. >> i think in the end, this particular issue is kind of a
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wash in terms of the independent and the swing voters but it is firing up the basis on both sides. >> there are a couple of ways to look at the issue. one, can you motivate your most ardent supporters on the right and left? can they write a check? second is to work on this middle ground in america who believes fundamentally americans believe in fairness. as long as we talk about this issue in terms of fairness, then the democrats and president obama will benefit because. >> all right, guys. i totally agree. i love having you on. smart people, donnie fowler and david merman. and up next, how would you like to have creator of the daily show on top of your resume? liz winstead has that and more. she is next on the war room.
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♪ >> instead knows a thing or 2 about how to use smart humor to relate to otherwise serious
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topics, the co-crater creator of the daily show liz free or die. she joins us from new york. i want to thank her for coming inside the war room. liz. >> hey jen. >> your book is savvy. i appreciate a smart and sass e political broad. attacks from miss issippi and virginia and kansas and rush limbaugh's nonsense. how do you explain all of this anti-women activity? >> well i mean a lot some level, i just feel like: is this the last gasp of like the white male power structure? it's sort of like the corpse is rotting and they don't know what to do. so when hethey see women and people of color trying to emerge to get their place at the table and it's no longer a foregone conclusion that they are going to be in charge, this is how
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they lash out. how do they keep us down? you knew by controlling everything they can and the first thing a woman decides about herself is if she wants to have kids or not. >> that's the blossom, a lot of times for everything else that comes up in your life truly maybe the only good thing to come out is a beyond, as well of activist like concerned women, planned parenthood raised $400,000 after koman. i think you have a performance tour to support planned parenthood. what do you think people can do to get on the right side on this battle over women? >> what was so fun when that crazy congress took over and prioritized defunding planned parenthood as the number 1 thing. it was like planned parenthood and npr and the national parks because i guess they were performing abortions on car"car
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talk" or something. once that failed and we saw states immediately take up these draconian laws against planned parenthood and women's healthcare in general, when i took to the road and i have been on the road now for a year done like 22 benefits for them, and you gather women together. i think the best thing we can all do is to talk to each other, see ourselves in numbers, because, you know, we are still demonized. there is still so much shaming going around the issue of sex and talking about sex and when women are gathered men are gathered, whether it's a comedian or a gathering in general, all of the sudden people are looking around the room saying, wow, that's nancy my neighborhood. i had no idea she was pro-choice and involved in this issue. or hey, i work with that woman. what it does it gets people talking long after i leave and they see they are in numbers and they see that they are in power. if we start putting a voice to our stories about how we used planned parenthood and why
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women's reproductive health is so right for us, we start winning the argument because we start telling our stories and we don't allow them to tell them for us. >> you have told your story in your book in a very personal way. and, in fact there was a report earlier this year that found that one-third of teenage mothers didn't use birth control because they actually didn't think they would be pregnant and your book tells, i think, a similar sort of personal tale about your pregnancy when you were a teenager. i am wondering if that's one of the reasons why you wrote this book, is to allow women to counter the miss connellception that is out there and sometimes promulgated by the folks on the right. >> i think one of the biggest problems we have when we talk about birth control and sexuality is that the fact of the matter is that we become sex annual -- sexual buildings and our drive starts before we have a common sense instinctively have
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common sense and often long after we supposedly have common sense and we don't link in a world where there is abstinence in intercourse. when i am talking to women who are counselors who go into middle schools, for example or junior high schools and they talk to kids about section education and you have three 13-year-old girls hearing sex-ed, we have to deal with the realities for it. the reason i told my story is because it's not an extraordinarily extraordinary story. when we look at what the sex life is for kids and young women, we can make much healthier choices about what we want our young girls to become because if we start and continue to hear this meme that motherhood is one of the hardest jobs in the world, then we should allow people to be as prepared for it as possible. >> well, you have succeeded in
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two pretty traditional boys' clubs which is politics and comedy. any quick advice. >> you, too, missy. >> i am doing a little too. i give my view. do you have any advice for striving women offer men facing stacked odds and closed doors in their lives and careers? >> i think part of the reason people will get defeated or discouraged is because they don't actually hit the hurdle. they hit the hurdle and drop. i have seen so many creative people not challenge themselves enough to get over the hurdle. there is so much right now you can do. you can create a website, youtube, blog. you can write. you can write blogs and have a whole website that's in the tone of that show. you can always be creating because now, there is every average open to you to do that. and that is the key is that you really create your own destiny
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at this point. and you have a voice and you should act like it. >> it really the democrightization with opportunity with technology. lizz thank you for coming inside the war room. lizz winstead author of the new book, you bet, "lizz free or die." up next, if you think brett er lick shows poor taste on television, just wait until you see him in print. this is the war room and it's only on current tv. catch the premiere of the gavin newsom show. with special guests: >> i'm lance armstrong. if somebody put my back into a corner, i'm coming out swinging.
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